5 Tips For Keeping Your Teeth For Life!

Everyone loves a beautiful straight smile, but as we grow older our teeth grow old as well. Here are 5 Tips to help keep your teeth for life!


#1 Straighten Your Smile!

Your teeth are still shifting even years after you had braces for 4 years in high school! Misaligned or missing teeth can cause an abnormal bite and tooth wear, gum recession and gum disease.


#2 Floss!… And Brush Often!

This should go without saying, but as we get older some of our habits can change too. Make sure you’re flossing once a day.

It will save your teeth! 


#3 See a Dentist at Least Twice A Year

Every 6 months a teeth cleaning and exam could save your teeth one day.

Once you’re over 35, the bacteria that cause gum disease is greater than ever. Seeing a Dentist twice a year will save you a lot of trouble down the road.


#4 It’s Not Just Sugar You Should Avoid…

While you should be avoiding foods with lots of sugar, the other potential cause of tooth decay is acidic foods. So just because you gave up the Little Debbies, that cola you just drank is equally bad for you. Be mindful of how long it is in contact with your teeth.


#5 Wear a Night Guard

The problems that can be solved with a night guard are endless. Sleep better, wake up better and live better. Most adults clench or grind their teeth while they sleep. Night Guards can prevent tooth decay and wear, gum recession and TMJ problems.